تعرّف على كل شيء حول شراء TrueUSD
سعر TrueUSD اليوم (24 ساعة)$0.9994شراء TrueUSD عبر البيع خارج السوق (OTC)
شراء TrueUSD عبر أسواق الفورية
بخلاف شراء TrueUSD (TUSD) مباشرة، ما هي الطرق البديلة لاقتناء TrueUSD ؟
TrueUSD في ارتفاع هذا الأسبوع.
قد تغير سعر TrueUSD بنسبة -0.01٪ خلال الـ 7 أيام الماضية. شهد ارتفاعًا بنسبة 0.01٪ في الساعات الـ 24 الماضية وانخفاضًا بنسبة 0.02٪ خلال الساعة الأخيرة فقط. السعر الحالي هو $0.9994 لكل TUSD. TrueUSD يعتبر انخفض -3.9٪ من أعلى سعر له على الإطلاق والبالغ $1.04.
اشترِ TrueUSD الآنالعائدات استنادًا إلى متوسط سعر TrueUSD لتلك السنة. ليس مشورة مالية.
انظر إذا كان مستخدمون آخرون يشترون TUSD:
TrueUSD, part of the TrustToken asset tokenization platform, is a blockchain-based stablecoin pegged to the value of USD. In the TrueUSD system, U.S Dollars are held in the bank accounts of multiple trust companies that have signed escrow agreements, rather than in a bank account controlled by a single company. The contents of said escrow account is verified by an independent third-party accountant that publishes monthly attestation reports. If someone wants to obtain TrueUSD through the online application, they will need to pass a KYC/AML check. Once that¡¯s complete, they can send USD to one of TrueUSD¡¯s trust company partners. Once the funds are verified by the trust company, their API will instruct the TrueUSD smart contract to issue tokens on a 1 to 1 ratio and to send them to the Ethereum address associated with the account at hand. Once in the wallet, the tokens can be transferred to a friend or used as payment, combining the advantages of fiat (stability and trust) with those of cryptocurrencies (reduced fees and transfer times). The user can also redeem real US Dollars by sending the TUSD tokens back to the smart contract address, which will notify the trust company, and initiate a bank transfer to the user¡¯s account.