تعرّف على كل شيء حول شراء Cardano
سعر Cardano اليوم (24 ساعة)$1.02شراء Cardano عبر البيع خارج السوق (OTC)
شراء Cardano عبر أسواق الفورية
بخلاف شراء Cardano (ADA) مباشرة، ما هي الطرق البديلة لاقتناء Cardano ؟
Cardano في ارتفاع هذا الأسبوع.
قد تغير سعر Cardano بنسبة 43.13٪ خلال الـ 7 أيام الماضية. شهد ارتفاعًا بنسبة 53.83٪ في الساعات الـ 24 الماضية وانخفاضًا بنسبة -1.24٪ خلال الساعة الأخيرة فقط. السعر الحالي هو $1.02 لكل ADA. Cardano يعتبر انخفض -65.72٪ من أعلى سعر له على الإطلاق والبالغ $3.
اشترِ Cardano الآنالعائدات استنادًا إلى متوسط سعر Cardano لتلك السنة. ليس مشورة مالية.
انظر إذا كان مستخدمون آخرون يشترون ADA:
Cardano is a decentralized public blockchain and cryptocurrency project and is a fully open source project. Cardano is developing a smart contract platform which seeks to deliver more advanced features than any protocol previously developed. It is the first blockchain platform to evolve out of a scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach. The development team consists of a large global collective of expert engineers and researchers. This is the first blockchain project to be developed from a scientific philosophy, and the only one to be designed and built by a global team of leading academics and engineers. It is essential that the technology is secure, flexible and scalable for use by many millions of users. Consequently, considerable thought and care from some of the leading experts in their fields has been devoted to the project and informed design decisions. The scientific rigor applied to mission-critical systems such as aerospace and banking has been brought to the field of cryptocurrencies, with a high assurance implementation.