demo java shell

Change Log (2024-08-08)


WebSocket Market Data

You can click the following link to go directly to the relevant section: WebSocket Market Data

Change Log (2023-06-14)


OpenApi V2.0

The MARKDOWN documentation is as follows: V2 interface please refer to the document: https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/USDT-M-Future-open-api-docs/tree/main/v2 V2 interface please refer to the document: https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/COIN-M-Future-open-api-docs/tree/master/v2 V1 interface please refer to the document: https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/USDT-M-Future-open-api-docs V1 interface please refer to the document: https://github.com/Bitrue-exchange/COIN-M-Future-open-api-docs

General Info

SDK and Code Demonstration



To get the provided SDK for Bitrue Futures,


To get the provided SDK for Bitrue Futures,

General API Information

HTTP Error Codes

Error Codes and Messages

  "code": -1121,
  "msg": "Invalid symbol."

General Information on Endpoints


Endpoint Security Type

Security Type Description
NONE Endpoint can be accessed freely.
TRADE Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key and signature.
USER_DATA Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key and signature.
USER_STREAM Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key.
MARKET_DATA Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key.

SIGNED (TRADE and USER_DATA) Endpoint Security

Timing Security

if (timestamp < (serverTime + 1000) && (serverTime - timestamp) <= recvWindow) {
  // process request
} else {
  // reject request

SIGNED Endpoint Examples for POST /fapi/v1/order - HMAC Keys

Signature example body:


HMAC SHA256 Signature:

[linux]$ echo -n "1588591856950POST/sapi/v1/order/test{\"symbol\":\"BTCUSDT\",\"price\":\"9300\",\"volume\":\"1\",\"side\":\"BUY\",\"type\":\"LIMIT\"}" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "902ae3cb34ecee2779aa4d3e1d226686"
(stdin)= c50d0a74bb9427a9a03933d0eded03af9bf50115dc5b706882a4fcf07a26b761

Curl command :

  [linux]$ curl -H "X-CH-APIKEY: c3b165fd5218cdd2c2874c65da468b1e" -H "X-CH-SIGN: c50d0a74bb9427a9a03933d0eded03af9bf50115dc5b706882a4fcf07a26b761" -H "X-CH-TS: 1588591856950" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST 'http://localhost:30000/sapi/v1/order/test' -d '{"symbol":"BTCUSDT","price":"9300","quantity":"1","side":"BUY","type":"LIMIT"}'
Key Value
apiKey vmPUZE6mv9SD5V5e14y7Ju91duEh8A
secretKey 902ae3cb34ecee2779aa4d3e1d226686
Parameter Value
symbol BTCUSDT
side BUY
type LIMIT
volume 1
price 9300

Market Data Endpoints

Test Connectivity

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v1/ping

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


URL: /fapi/v1/ping

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Test Connectivity PING

Check Server Time

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v1/time

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


URL: /fapi/v1/time

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Check Server Time


Field Type Description
any object object any object.

Current open contract

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v1/contracts

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "symbol": "H-HT-USDT",
    "pricePrecision": 8,
    "side": 1,
    "maxMarketVolume": 100000,
    "multiplier": 6,
    "minOrderVolume": 1,
    "maxMarketMoney": 10000000,
    "type": "H",
    "maxLimitVolume": 1000000,
    "maxValidOrder": 20,
    "multiplierCoin": "HT",
    "minOrderMoney": 0.001,
    "maxLimitMoney": 1000000,
    "status": 1

URL: /fapi/v1/contracts

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Current open contract


Field Type Description
symbol string Contract name
status number status (0:cannot trade, 1:can trade)
type string contract type, E: perpetual contract, S: test contract, others are mixed contract
side number Contract direction(backwards:0,1:forward)
multiplier number Contract face value
multiplierCoin string Contract face value unit
pricePrecision number Precision of the price
minOrderVolume number Minimum order volume
minOrderMoney number Minimum order value
maxMarketVolume number Market price order maximum volume
maxMarketMoney number Market price order maximum value
maxLimitVolume number Limit price order maximum volume
maxValidOrder number Maximum valid order quantity

Order Book

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v1/depth

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "bids": [
      // price
      // quantity
  "asks": [
      // price
      // quantity

URL: /fapi/v1/depth

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Order Book


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract Name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
limit string integer Default 100, Max 100


name type example description
time long 1595563624731 Current Timestamp (ms)
bids list Look below Order book purchase info
asks list Look below Order book selling info

The fields bids and asks are lists of order book price level entries, sorted from best to worst.

name type example description
' ' float 131.1 price level
' ' float 2.3 Total order quantity for this price level


curl -X GET -i /fapi/v1/ticker

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "high": "9279.0301",
  "vol": "1302",
  "last": "9200",
  "low": "9279.0301",
  "rose": "0",
  "time": 1595563624731

24 hour price change statistics:

  "high": "9279.0301",
  "vol": "1302",
  "last": "9200",
  "low": "9279.0301",
  "rose": "0",
  "time": 1595563624731

URL: /fapi/v1/ticker

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: ticker

Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract Name E.g. E-BTC-USDT


Field Type Description
time long Open time
high float Higher price
low float Lower price
last float Newest price
vol float Trade volume
rose string Price variation

Kline/Candlestick Data

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v1/klines

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "high": "6228.77",
    "vol": "111",
    "low": "6228.77",
    "idx": 1594640340,
    "close": "6228.77",
    "open": "6228.77"
    "high": "6228.77",
    "vol": "222",
    "low": "6228.77",
    "idx": 1587632160,
    "close": "6228.77",
    "open": "6228.77"
    "high": "6228.77",
    "vol": "333",
    "low": "6228.77",
    "idx": 1587632100,
    "close": "6228.77",
    "open": "6228.77"

URL: /fapi/v1/klines

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Kline/Candlestick Data

Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract Name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
interval string true identifies the sent value as: 1min,5min,15min,30min,1h,1day,1week,1month
limit integer false Default 100, Max 300


Field Type Description
idx long Start timestamp(ms)
high float Higher price
low float Lower price
close float close price
vol float Trade volume


Account Trade List (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/myTrades?contractName=E-SAND-USDT&fromId=&limit=10&startTime=&endTime=

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


URL: /fapi/v2/myTrades

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Account Trade List (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
fromId long false Trade id to fetch from. Default gets most recent trades.
limit int false Default 100; max 1000.
startTime long false start time
endTime long false end time


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data array return data
└─tradeId long trade id
└─price bigdecimal Order price
└─qty int Order quantity
└─amount bigdecimal Order amount
└─contractName string contract name
└─cTime long create time
└─side string Order direction. Possible values can only be:BUY(buy long)and SELL(sell short)
└─fee string Trading fees
└─bidId long bid id
└─askId long ask id
└─bidUserId int bid User Id
└─askUserId int ask User Id
└─isBuyer boolean is buy
└─isMaker boolean is maker

Modify Isolated Position Margin (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i /fapi/v2/positionMargin --data '{
  'contractName': 'E-SAND-USDT',
  'positionMargin': 10

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success"
    "data": null

URL: /fapi/v2/positionMargin

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Modify Isolated Position Margin (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
amount bigdecimal true amount


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data

Change Initial Leverage (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i /fapi/v2/level_edit --data '{
  'contractName': 'E-BTC-USDT',
  'leverage': 10

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "code": 0,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": null

URL: /fapi/v2/level_edit

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Change Initial Leverage (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
leverage int true target initial leverage: int from 1 to 125


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data

Current All Open Orders (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/openOrders?contractName=E-SAND-USDT

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "0",
  "msg": "Success",
  "data": [{
    "orderId": 1917641,
    "clientOrderId": "2488514315",
    "price": 100,
    "origQty": 10,
    "origAmount": 10,
    "executedQty": 1,
    "avgPrice": 12451,
    "status": "INIT",
    "type": "LIMIT",
    "side": "BUY",
    "action": "OPEN",
    "transactTime": 1686717303975,
    "triggerPrice": 100.00,
    "triggerType": 1,
    "triggerOrderType": 1,
    "conditionOrder": true,
    "childOrders": [
        "triggerPrice": 100.00,
        "triggerType": 1,
        "triggerOrderType": 1,
        "conditionOrder": true

URL: /fapi/v2/openOrders

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Current All Open Orders (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data array return data
└─orderId long Order ID(system generated)
└─clientOrderId string client Order id
└─price bigdecimal Order price
└─origQty bigdecimal Order quantity
└─origAmount bigdecimal Order amount
└─executedQty bigdecimal Filled orders quantity
└─avgPrice bigdecimal Filled orders average price
└─status string Order status. Possible values are:NEW(new order,not filled)、PARTIALLY_FILLED(partially filled)、FILLED(fully filled)、CANCELLED(already cancelled)andREJECTED(order rejected)
└─type string Order type. Possible values can only be:LIMIT(limit price) andMARKET(market price)
└─side string Order direction. Possible values can only be:BUY(buy long)and SELL(sell short)
└─action string OPEN/CLOSE
└─transactTime long Order creation time
└─triggerPrice bigdecimal triggerPrice
└─triggerType int triggerType 1:stop loss 2:take profit
└─triggerOrderType int triggerOrderType 0:NORMAL 1:LIMIT 2:MARKET 3:POSITION
└─conditionOrder bool conditionOrder
└─childOrders array
└─└─ object like above

Cancel Order (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i /fapi/v2/cancel --data '{
    'contractName': 'E-SAND-USDT', 
    'clientOrderId': "",  
    'orderId': 1690615847831143159, 
    'conditionOrder': true

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "0",
  "msg": "Success",
  "data": {
    "orderId": 1690615847831143159

URL: /fapi/v2/cancel

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Cancel Order (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
clientOrderId string false client Order id(clientOrderId and orderId cannot both be empty)
orderId long false order id(clientOrderId and orderId cannot both be empty)
conditionOrder bool false is conditionOrder


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data
└─orderId long Order ID(system generated)

Query Order (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/order?contractName=E-SAND-USDT&orderId=1690615710392189353

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

            "triggerPrice": 100.00,
            "triggerType": 1,
            "triggerOrderType": 1,
            "conditionOrder": true,
            "childOrders": [
                "triggerPrice": 100.00,
                "triggerType": 1,
                "triggerOrderType": 1,
                "conditionOrder": true

URL: /fapi/v2/order

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Query Order (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
clientOrderId string false client Order id(clientOrderId and orderId cannot both be empty)
orderId long false order id(clientOrderId and orderId cannot both be empty)
conditionOrder bool false conditionOrder true/false


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data
└─orderId long Order ID(system generated)
└─clientOrderId string client Order id
└─price bigdecimal Order price
└─origQty bigdecimal Order quantity
└─origAmount bigdecimal Order amount
└─executedQty bigdecimal Filled orders quantity
└─avgPrice bigdecimal Filled orders average price
└─status string Order status. Possible values are:NEW(new order,not filled)、PARTIALLY_FILLED(partially filled)、FILLED(fully filled)、CANCELLED(already cancelled)andREJECTED(order rejected)
└─type string Order type. Possible values can only be:LIMIT(limit price) andMARKET(market price)
└─side string Order direction. Possible values can only be:BUY(buy long)and SELL(sell short)
└─action string OPEN/CLOSE
└─transactTime long Order creation time
└─triggerPrice bigdecimal triggerPrice
└─triggerType int triggerType 1:stop loss 2:take profit
└─triggerOrderType int triggerOrderType 0:NORMAL 1:LIMIT 2:MARKET 3:POSITION
└─conditionOrder bool conditionOrder
└─childOrders array
└─└─ object like above

New Order (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i /fapi/v2/order --data '{
    'contractName': 'E-SAND-USDT', 
    'clientOrderId': 7993967859, 
    'side': 'BUY', 
    'type': 'LIMIT', 
    'positionType': 1, 
    'open': 'OPEN', 
    'volume': 100, 
    'amount': 1, 
    'price': 2, 
    'leverage': 5,
    'triggerOrderType': 0,
    'triggerType': 0,
    'triggerPriceType': 0,
    'triggerPrice': 100.00,
    'conditionOrder': true,
    'positionId': 1,
    'triggerOrderCreateParams': [{
        'clientOrderId': 1,
        'triggerType': 0,
        'triggerPriceType': 0,
        'triggerPrice': 100.00,
        'type': 'LIMIT', 
        'price': 100.00

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "0",
  "msg": "Success",
  "data": {
    "orderId": 1690615676032452985

URL: /fapi/v2/order

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Description: New Order (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
clientOrderId string false Client order identity, a string with length less than 32 bit
side string true trade direction, BUY/SELL
type string true Order type, LIMIT,MARKET,IOC,FOK,POST_ONLY
positionType int true 1 crossed position, 2 isolated position
open string true Open balancing direction, OPEN/CLOSE
volume bigdecimal true Order quantity
amount bigdecimal true Order amount
price bigdecimal true Order price
leverage bigdecimal true target initial leverage: int from 1 to 125
triggerOrderType int false 0:NORMAL 1:LIMIT 2:MARKET 3:POSITION
triggerType int false 1:stop loss 2:take profit
triggerPriceType int false Trigger Price Type 1:Latest Transaction Prices 2:Marked price
triggerPrice bigdecimal false Trigger Price
conditionOrder bool false conditionOrder true/false
positionId int false positionId
triggerOrderCreateParams array false
└─clientOrderId string false Client order identity, a string with length less than 32 bit
└─triggerType int true 1:stop loss 2:take profit
└─triggerPriceType int true Trigger Price Type 1:Latest Transaction Prices 2:Marked price
└─triggerPrice bigdecimal true Trigger Price
└─type string true Order type, LIMIT,MARKET
└─price bigdecimal true Order price


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data
└─orderId long Order ID(system generated)

Cancel All Open Orders (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X POST -i /fapi/v2/allOpenOrders --data 'contractName=E-BTC-USDT'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  'code': '0',
  'msg': 'Success',
  'data': None

URL: /fapi/v2/allOpenOrders

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Cancel All Open Orders (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true contractame Contract Name E.g. E-BTC-USDT


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data


Account Information V2 (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/account

The above command returns JSON structured like this:



URL: /fapi/v2/account

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Account Information V2 (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data
└─account array Account V2
     └─marginCoin string Margin coin
     └─coinPrecious int Currency display precision
     └─accountNormal bigdecimal Balance account
     └─accountLock bigdecimal Margin frozen account
     └─partPositionNormal bigdecimal Restricted position margin balance
     └─totalPositionNormal bigdecimal Full position initial margin
     └─achievedAmount bigdecimal Profit and losses occurred
     └─unrealizedAmount bigdecimal Unfilled profit and losses
     └─totalMarginRate bigdecimal Full position margin rate
     └─totalEquity bigdecimal Full position equity
     └─partEquity bigdecimal Restricted position equity
     └─totalCost bigdecimal Full position costs
     └─sumMarginRate bigdecimal All accounts margin rate
     └─sumOpenRealizedAmount bigdecimal Full account position profit and loss
     └─canUseTrialFund bigdecimal Available experience money
     └─sumMaintenanceMargin bigdecimal Full position maintenance margin plus handling fee
     └─futureModel enum Account type
     └─positionVos array Position contract record
          └─contractId int Contract id
          └─contractName string Contract name
          └─contractSymbol string Contract coin pair
          └─adlEnabled boolean adl
          └─positions array positions
               └─id int id
               └─uid int user id
               └─contractId int contract id
               └─positionType int 1 crossed position, 2 isolated position
               └─side string trade direction, BUY/SELL
               └─volume bigdecimal Order quantity
               └─openPrice bigdecimal open price
               └─avgPrice bigdecimal avg price
               └─closePrice bigdecimal Balancing average price
               └─leverageLevel int Leverage multiple
               └─openAmount bigdecimal Opening margin (including variation)
               └─holdAmount bigdecimal Hold position margin
               └─closeVolume bigdecimal Balanced quantity
               └─pendingCloseVolume bigdecimal The number of pending closing orders
               └─realizedAmount bigdecimal Profit and losses occurred
               └─historyRealizedAmount bigdecimal Historic accumulated profit and losses
               └─forceLiquidationVolume bigdecimal Strong flat quantity
               └─forceLiquidationPrice bigdecimal Strong leveling price (average price, trigger price).
               └─tradeFee bigdecimal Trading fees
               └─capitalFee bigdecimal Capital costs
               └─closeProfit bigdecimal Balancing profit and loss
               └─shareAmount bigdecimal Amount to share
               └─freezeLock int Position freeze status: 0 normal, 1 liquidation freeze, 2 delivery freeze
               └─status int Position effectiveness,0 ineffective 1 effective
               └─ctime string Creation time
               └─mtime string Update time
               └─lockTime string liquidation lock time
               └─positionAmount bigdecimal Total position value (full) multiplied by face value
               └─positionCloseAmount bigdecimal Total closing value (full amount) multiplied by face value
               └─longAccountCount int Number of multiple positions
               └─shortAccountCount int Number of open positions
               └─sumRealized bigdecimal The total realized profit and loss of this settlement cycle
               └─deficitLosses bigdecimal Customer account deficit at position settlement
               └─currentMarginRate bigdecimal Current margin ratio
               └─realEquity bigdecimal Balance occupied by current contracts, excluding realized and unrealized gains and losses
                    └─positionId int Location ID, associated with the location list id, primary key
                    └─ctime string create time
                    └─mtime string update time

Notional and Leverage Brackets (USER_DATA)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/leverageBracket?contractName=E-SAND-USDT

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


URL: /fapi/v2/leverageBracket

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Notional and Leverage Brackets (USER_DATA)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data
└─contractName string Contract name
└─brackets array brackets
     └─bracket int Notional bracket
     └─initialLeverage bigdecimal Max initial leverage for this bracket
     └─maxPositionValue bigdecimal Cap notional of this bracket
     └─minPositionValue bigdecimal Notional threshold of this bracket
     └─maintMarginRatio bigdecimal Maintenance ratio for this bracket

User Commission Rate (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/commissionRate?contractName=E-SAND-USDT

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


URL: /fapi/v2/commissionRate

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: User Commission Rate (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data
└─contractName string contract name
└─openTakerFeeRate bigdecimal open taker fee rate
└─openMakerFeeRate bigdecimal open maker fee rate
└─closeTakerFeeRate bigdecimal close taker fee rate
└─closeMakerFeeRate bigdecimal close maker fee rate

New Future Account Transfer (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i /fapi/v2/futures_transfer --data '{
    'coinSymbol': 'USDT',
    'amount': 10,
    'transferType': 'wallet_to_contract'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    'code': '0',
    'msg': 'Success',
    'data': None

URL: /fapi/v2/futures_transfer

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Description: New Future Account Transfer (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
coinSymbol string true coin symbol
amount bigdecimal true transfer amount
transferType string true WALLET_TO_CONTRACT,
unionId string false transfer union tag


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data

Get Future Account transfer History List (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/futures_transfer_history?transferType=wallet_to_contract

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    'code': '0',
    'msg': 'Success',
    'data': [{
        'transferType': 'wallet_to_contract',
        'symbol': 'USDT',
        'amount': 1.0,
        'status': 1,
        'ctime': 1685404575000
    }, {
        'transferType': 'wallet_to_contract',
        'symbol': 'USDT',
        'amount': 3.0,
        'status': 1,
        'ctime': 1685495897000
    }, {
        'transferType': 'wallet_to_contract',
        'symbol': 'USDT',
        'amount': 566.0,
        'status': 1,
        'ctime': 1685562991000
    }, {
        'transferType': 'wallet_to_contract',
        'symbol': 'USDT',
        'amount': 66.0,
        'status': 1,
        'ctime': 1685571419000
    }, {
        'transferType': 'wallet_to_contract',
        'symbol': 'USDT',
        'amount': 3.0,
        'status': 1,
        'ctime': 1685573130000

URL: /fapi/v2/futures_transfer_history

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Get Future Account transfer History List (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
coinSymbol string false coin symbol
beginTime long false default the recent 30-day data
endTime long false end time
transferType string true WALLET_TO_CONTRACT,
page int false default 1
limit int false Default 10, Max 200


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data array return data
└─transferType string WALLET_TO_CONTRACT,
└─symbol string symbol
└─amount bigdecimal transfer amount
└─afterAmount bigdecimal after transfer amount
└─status int Transfer status, 0 payment, 1 success and 2 failure
└─ctime long create time

User's Force Orders (USER_DATA)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/forceOrdersHistory?contractName=E-BTC-USDT

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    'code': '0',
    'msg': 'Success',
    'data': [{
        'id': 1690600111070971191,
        'clientId': '0',
        'uid': 11568,
        'positionType': 2,
        'open': 'CLOSE',
        'side': 'SELL',
        'type': 1,
        'leverageLevel': 20,
        'price': 25878.61801778723,
        'volume': 357.0,
        'openTakerFeeRate': 0.0,
        'openMakerFeeRate': 0.0,
        'closeTakerFeeRate': 0.0,
        'closeMakerFeeRate': 0.0,
        'realizedAmount': -44.21710198209588,
        'dealVolume': 357,
        'dealMoney': 923.8666632350041,
        'lockMoney': 0.0,
        'unlockMoney': 0.0,
        'avgPrice': 25878.61801779,
        'tradeFee': 0.0,
        'status': 2,
        'memo': 0,
        'source': 6,
        'ctime': '2023-06-13T20:55:51',
        'mtime': '2023-06-13T12:55:51',
        'brokerId': 1000,
        'usingAccountType': 0,
        'shareRoyaltyRatio': 0.0

URL: /fapi/v2/forceOrdersHistory

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: User's Force Orders (USER_DATA)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
beginTime long false default the recent 30-day data
endTime long false end time
autoCloseType string false "LIQUIDATION" for liquidation orders, "ADL" for ADL orders.
page int false Default 1
limit int false Default 10, Max 200


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data array return data
└─id int id
└─clientId string false
└─uid int user id
└─positionType int 1 crossed position, 2 isolated position
└─open string true
└─side string trade direction, BUY/SELL
└─type string true
└─leverageLevel int Leverage multiple
└─price bigdecimal Order price
└─volume bigdecimal Order quantity
└─openTakerFeeRate bigdecimal open taker fee rate
└─openMakerFeeRate bigdecimal open maker fee rate
└─closeTakerFeeRate bigdecimal close taker fee rate
└─closeMakerFeeRate bigdecimal close maker fee rate
└─realizedAmount bigdecimal Profit and losses occurred
└─dealVolume int Order deal Volume
└─dealMoney bigdecimal Order deal Money
└─lockMoney bigdecimal Order lock Money
└─unlockMoney bigdecimal Order unlock Money
└─avgPrice bigdecimal Order trade price
└─tradeFee bigdecimal Order trade fee
└─status int Order status. Possible values are:NEW(new order,not filled)、PARTIALLY_FILLED(partially filled)、FILLED(fully filled)、CANCELLED(already cancelled)andREJECTED(order rejected)
└─ctime string Creation time
└─mtime string Update time

Websocket Market Data

Subscribe to Depth Updates

Subscribe to this channel to receive real-time depth market data updates.

channel: market_$symbol_depth_step0


Parameter Data Type Required Description Allowed Values
symbol string true Trading pair All supported trading pairs. For example: e_btcusdt, e_xrpusdt...

Subscribe to Data

  "event": "sub",
  "params": {
    "channel": "market_$symbol_depth_step0",
    "cb_id": ""


  "event": "unsub",
  "params": {
    "channel": "market_$symbol_depth_step0",
    "cb_id": ""

Return Parameters:

Field Data Type Description
channel string The channel to which the data belongs, formatted as: market_$symbol_depth_step0
ts long System response timestamp
tick object
└─asks array Ask orders, sorted in ascending order by price. [price, amount]  (The amount part needs to be multiplied by the Contract Size)
└─buys array Bid orders, sorted in descending order by price. [price, amount]  (The amount part needs to be multiplied by the Contract Size) Buy orders, sorted in descending order by price. [price, quantity]

Response: Up to 30 data entries for bid and ask orders.

  "event_rep": "",
  "channel": "market_$symbol_depth_step0",
  "ts": 1721716298870,
  "status": "ok",
  "tick": {
    "asks": [
    "buys": [

Subscribe to Trades

Receive real-time detailed transaction details for the market.

channel: market_$symbol_trade_ticker


Parameter Data Type Required Description Allowed Values
symbol string true Trading pair All supported trading pairs. For example: e_btcusdt, e_xrpusdt...

Subscribe to Data

  "event": "sub",
  "params": {
    "channel": "market_$symbol_trade_ticker",
    "cb_id": ""


  "event": "unsub",
  "params": {
    "channel": "market_$symbol_trade_ticker",
    "cb_id": ""

Response Parameters:

Field Data Type Description
channel string The channel to which the data belongs, formatted as: market_$symbol_depth_step0
ts long System response timestamp
tick object
└─data array Maximum time in data
└──amount string Transaction amount (This needs to be multiplied by the Contract Size)
└──vol string Transaction volume (This represents transaction volume; multiply by the contract size to get the number of contracts.)
└──price string Transaction price
└──side string Trading initiator (order direction of taker): 'BUY' or 'SELL'
└──ts long Transaction time


  "event_rep": "",
  "channel": "market_$symbol_trade_ticker",
  "tick": {
    "data": [
        "amount": "1666656191.2",
        "ds": "2024-07-23 22:03:11",
        "price": "66008.8",
        "side": "SELL",
        "ts": 1721743391398,
        "vol": "25249"
  "ts": 1721743391000,
  "status": "ok"

Requesting Trade History Data

Supports a single request method to obtain transaction details (up to the most recent 300 transactions):

channel: market_$symbol_trade_ticker


Parameter Data Type Required Description Allowed Values
symbol string true Trading pair All supported trading pairs. For example: e_btcusdt, e_xrpusdt...

Request Parameters:

Parameter Data Type Required Description Allowed Values
channel string true Subscription channel
top integer false Number of recent records to retrieve Up to the most recent 300 transaction records

Request Data

  "event": "req",
  "params": {
    "channel": "market_$symbol_trade_ticker",
    "top": 100

Response Parameters:

Field Data Type Description
channel string The channel to which the data belongs, formatted as: market_$symbol_depth_step0
ts long System response timestamp
data array
└─side array Trading initiator (order direction of taker): 'buy' or 'sell'
└─price float Transaction price
└─vol float Transaction volume (This represents transaction volume; multiply by the contract size to get the number of contracts.)
└─amount float Transaction amount (This needs to be multiplied by the Contract Size)


  "event_rep": "rep",
  "channel": "market_$symbol_trade_ticker",
  "cb_id": "$symbol",
  "ts": 1506584998239,
  "status": "ok",
  "data": [
      "side": "buy",
      "price": 32.233,
      "vol": 232,
      "amount": 323
      "side": "buy",
      "price": 32.233,
      "vol": 232,
      "amount": 323

Subscribe to Kline Market Data

Once Kline data is generated, the WebSocket server will push updates to the client through this subscription topic:

The Kline stream will push updates for the requested Kline type (latest Kline) every second.

To subscribe to Kline data, you need to provide an interval parameter, ranging from minutes to weeks.

channel: market_$symbol_kline_$interval


Parameter Data Type Required Description Allowed Values
symbol string true Trading pair All supported trading pairs. For example: e_btcusdt, e_xrpusdt...
interval string true Kline interval 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, 2h, 4h, 1day, 1week

Subscribe Data

  "event": "sub",
  "params": {
    "channel": "market_$symbol_kline_$interval",
    "cb_id": ""

Unsubscribe Data

  "event": "unsub",
  "params": {
    "channel": "market_$symbol_kline_$interval",
    "cb_id": ""

Return Parameters:

Field Data Type Description
channel string The channel to which the data belongs, formatted as: market_$symbol_kline_$interval
ts long System response timestamp
tick object
└─id integer Unix timestamp, starting time scale
└─amount float Transaction amount (This needs to be multiplied by the Contract Size)
└─vol float Transaction volume (This represents transaction volume; multiply by the contract size to get the number of contracts.)
└─ds string Start time
└─open float Opening price
└─close float Closing price
└─low float Lowest price
└─high float Highest price


  "channel": "market_$symbol_kline_$interval",
  "data": [],
  "tick": {
    "amount": 396539282326.3,
    "close": 19517.1,
    "ds": "2022-07-13 14:00:00",
    "high": 19556.5,
    "id": 1657692000,
    "low": 19465.1,
    "open": 19507.3,
    "vol": 20325940
  "ts": 1657696418000,
  "status": "ok"

Request Historical Kline Data

channel: market_$symbol_kline_$interval


Parameter Data Type Required Description Allowed Values
symbol string true Trading pair All supported trading pairs. For example: e_btcusdt, e_xrpusdt...
interval string true Kline interval 1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min, 2h, 4h, 1day, 1week

Request Parameters:

Parameter Data Type Required Description Allowed Values
channel string true Subscription channel
endIdx float false Returns data before endIdx Less than current time
pageSize float false Returns specified number of entries when endIdx is specified Up to 300

Request Data:

  "event": "req",
  "params": {
    "channel": "market_$symbol_kline_$interval",
    "cb_id": "",
    "endIdx": "1506602880",
    "pageSize": 10

Response Parameters:

Field Data Type Description
channel string The channel to which the data belongs, formatted as: market_$symbol_kline_$interval
ts long System response timestamp
data array
└─id integer Unix timestamp, starting time scale
└─amount float Transaction amount (This needs to be multiplied by the Contract Size.)
└─vol float Transaction volume (This represents transaction volume; multiply by the contract size to get the number of contracts)
└─ds string Start time
└─open float Opening price
└─close float Closing price
└─low float Lowest price
└─high float Highest price


  "event_rep": "rep",
  "channel": "market_$symbol_kline_$interval",
  "data": [
      "amount": 1721334621154,
      "close": 41307,
      "ds": "2021-07-26 00:00:00",
      "high": 356000,
      "id": 1627228800,
      "low": 3000,
      "open": 34145,
      "vol": 43865325
  "tick": null,
  "ts": 1721744417000,
  "status": "ok"

Subscribe to 24h Market Overview

Receive aggregated market overview data.

channel: market_$symbol_ticker


Parameter Data Type Required Description Allowed Values
symbol string true Trading pair All supported trading pairs. For example: e_btcusdt, e_xrpusdt...

Subscribe to Data

  "event": "sub",
  "params": {
    "channel": "market_$symbol_ticker"


  "event": "unsub",
  "params": {
    "channel": "market_$symbol_ticker",
    "cb_id": ""

Return Parameters:

Field Data Type Description
channel string The channel to which the data belongs, formatted as: market_$symbol_kline_$interval
ts long System response timestamp
tick object
└─amount float Transaction amount (This needs to be multiplied by the Contract Size)
└─vol float Transaction volume (This represents transaction volume; multiply by the contract size to get the number of contracts)
└─open float Opening price
└─close float Closing price
└─low float Lowest price
└─high float Highest price
└─rose float Percentage rise


  "channel": "market_$symbol_ticker",
  "ts": 1506584998239,
  "tick": {
    "amount": 123.1221,
    "vol": 1212.12211,
    "open": 2233.22,
    "close": 1221.11,
    "high": 22322.22,
    "low": 2321.22,
    "rose": -0.2922
  "status": "ok"

Websocket Account and Order

Signature generation

Timing Security

if (timestamp < (serverTime + 1000) && (serverTime - timestamp) <= recvWindow) {
  // process request
} else {
  // reject request

It recommended to use a small recvWindow of 5000 or less!

SIGNED Endpoint Examples for POST /sapi/v1/order

Here is a step-by-step example of how to send a vaild signed payload from the Linux command line using echo, openssl, and curl.

Key Value
apiKey vmPUZE6mv9SD5V5e14y7Ju91duEh8A
secretKey 902ae3cb34ecee2779aa4d3e1d226686
Parameter Value
symbol BTCUSDT
side BUY
type LIMIT
volume 1
price 9300

Signature example

[linux]$ echo -n "1588591856950POST/sapi/v1/order/test{\"symbol\":\"BTCUSDT\",\"price\":\"9300\",\"volume\":\"1\",\"side\":\"BUY\",\"type\":\"LIMIT\"}" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "902ae3cb34ecee2779aa4d3e1d226686"
(stdin)= c50d0a74bb9427a9a03933d0eded03af9bf50115dc5b706882a4fcf07a26b761

Error Codes

Errors consist of two parts: an error code and a message. Codes are universal, but messages can vary.

code description memo
200 SUCCESS 200 for success,others are error codes.
503 SERVICE_ERROR An unknown error occurred while processing the request.
1022 INVALID_API_KEY You are not authorized to execute this request.
1102 MANDATORY_PARAM_EMPTY_OR_MALFORMED A mandatory parameter was not sent, was empty/null, or malformed.
-1150 INVALID_LISTEN_KEY This listenKey does not exist.



POST /user_stream/api/v1/listenKey

Start a new user data stream. The stream will close after 60 minutes unless a keepalive is sent. If the account has an active listenKey, that listenKey will be returned and its validity will be extended for 60 minutes.

  "msg": "succ",
  "code": 200,
    "listenKey": "ac3abbc8ac18f7977df42de27ab0c87c1f4ea3919983955d2fb5786468ccdb07"

Ping/Keep-alive a ListenKey (USER_STREAM)

PUT /user_stream/api/v1/listenKey/{listenKey}

Keep alive a user data stream to prevent a time out. User data streams will close after 60 minutes. It's recommended to send a ping about every 30 minutes.

  "msg": "succ",
  "code": 200

Close a ListenKey (USER_STREAM)

DELETE /user_stream/api/v1/listenKey/{listenKey}

Close out a user data stream.

  "msg": "succ",
  "code": 200


you should send pong message after receive a ping message.


User stream

User Account stream subscribe: {"event":"sub","params":{"channel":"user_account_update"}} response:

sub success : {"event":"user_account_update","status":"ok","ts":1689568979259}


order event :

    "e": "ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE", // Event type
    "E": 1568879465651, // Event time (timestamp)
    "o": {
        "s": "BTCUSDT", // Trading pair
        "c": "TEST", // Client-provided order ID
        "S": "SELL", // Order direction
        "o": "MARKET", // Order type (MARKET|LIMIT|IOC|POST_ONLY...)
        "q": "0.001", // Original order quantity (multiplied by face value)
        "p": "0", // Original order price
        "ap": "0", // Average order price (price after execution)
        "x": "NEW", // Specific execution type for this event (new, liquidation, trade, cancel, adl)
        "X": "NEW", // Current status of the order (status)
        "i": 8886774, // Order ID
        "l": "0", // Order quantity filled in the current event
        "z": "0", // Cumulative filled order quantity
        "L": "0", // Price at which the order was filled in the current event
        "N": "USDT", // Fee asset type
        "n": "0", // Fee amount (total fee)
        "T": 1568879465650, // Trade time
        "t": 0, // Trade ID
        "m": false, // Was this trade a maker or taker? (make, take) Reserved field
        "R": false, // Is this a reduce-only order? (default false) Reserved field
        "ps": "LONG", // Position direction (long if present, short if empty)
        "rp": "0" // Realized profit or loss for this trade (current P&L)

Orders are updated with the executionReport event.

Execution types(x):

acount event

    "e": "ACCOUNT_UPDATE", // Event type
    "E": 1564745798939, // Event time
    "T": 1564745798938, // Matching time (tentative)
    "a": // Account update event
        "m": "ORDER", // Event trigger reason (enum: see table)
        "B": [ // Balance information
                "a": "USDT", // Asset name
                "cw": "122624.12345678", // Cross-margin balance
                "lb": "0.000", // Locked balance
                "iw": "100.12345678", // Isolated margin wallet balance
                "bc": "50.12345678" // Balance change not related to profit and loss or trading fees
            }, // Only send relevant account balances.
                "a": "BUSD",
                "cw": "122624.12345678",
                "lb": "0.0000",
                "iw": "100.12345678",
                "bc": "50.12345678"
        "P": [{
            "s": "BTCUSDT", // Trading pair
            "pa": "0", // Position amount
            "ep": "0.00000", // Entry price
            "lp": "28343.33", // Last settlement price
            "cr": "200", // Cumulative realized profit and loss (history_realized_amount) including fees
            "up": "0", // Unrealized profit and loss for the position (lp -> current)
            "mt": "1", // Margin type, position type (1 Cross, 2 Isolated)
            "iw": "0.00000000", // If isolated, isolated margin for the position
            "ps": "SHORT|LONG" // Position direction (SHORT|LONG)

Error code list

Error code Description
0 Success
-1000 Unknown error occurred while processing the request
-1001 Internal error; unable to process your request. Please try again
-1002 You are not authorized to perform this request. The request requires sending an API Key; we recommend attaching X-CH-APIKEY to all request headers
-1003 Request frequency exceeds the limit
-1004 You are not authorized to perform this request; user does not exist
-1006 Received a message that does not conform to the expected format; order status is unknown
-1007 Timeout waiting for backend server response. Sending status is unknown; execution status is unknown
-1014 Unsupported order combination
-1015 Too many orders. Please reduce the number of your orders
-1016 Server offline
-1017 We recommend attaching Content-Type to all request headers and setting it to application/json
-1021 Invalid timestamp; time offset is too large
-1022 Invalid signature
-1023 You are not authorized to perform this request. The request requires sending a timestamp; we recommend attaching X-CH-TS to all request headers
-1024 You are not authorized to perform this request. The request requires sending a sign; we recommend attaching X-CH-SIGN to all request headers
-1025 User has not activated the contract
-1100 Illegal characters in the request
-1101 Too many parameters sent
-1102 Required parameter {0} not sent, empty, or in the wrong format
-1103 Unknown parameters sent
-1104 Not all sent parameters have been read
-1105 Parameter {0} is empty
-1106 This parameter does not need to be sent
-1111 Precision exceeds the maximum value defined for this asset
-1112 No orders exist for the trading pair
-1116 Invalid order type
-1117 Invalid buy/sell direction
-1118 New client order ID is empty
-1121 Invalid contract
-1136 Order quantity is less than the minimum value
-1137 Order quantity exceeds the maximum limit
-1138 Order price is out of allowable range
-1139 This trading pair does not support market orders
-1140 Exceeds the maximum position limit
-1141 Duplicate cancellation or invalid order
-1145 Order status does not allow cancellation
-1146 Current contract cannot be traded temporarily
-1147 The current interface does not support coin-margined contracts
-1148 The current interface does not support USDT-margined contracts
-1149 Your isolated position does not exist
-1150 Maximum of {0} decimal places allowed
-1151 Transfer amount exceeds the limit
-1152 Position leverage adjustment failed
-1153 Maximum leverage does not exceed {0}
-1154 Order quantity exceeds the maximum limit
-1155 Order price deviates significantly from the latest trade price
-1156 Closing quantity exceeds the total position quantity
-1157 Position frozen, cannot be operated temporarily
-1158 Total order quantity exceeds the limit
-1159 Maximum of {0} decimal places allowed for order amount
-1160 Minimum order amount is {0}
-1161 Maximum order amount is {0}
-1162 Maximum of {0} decimal places allowed for limit order amount
-1163 There are currently open orders; leverage cannot be modified
-1164 Order quantity must be greater than {0}
-1165 Order type does not match user contract configuration {0}
-1166 Order leverage does not match user contract configuration {0}
-1167 Order book is too large; self-trade prevention failed
-1168 Order book is missing
-2013 Order does not exist
-2014 Invalid API key format
-2015 Invalid API key, IP, or permission
-2016 Trading is frozen
-2017 Insufficient balance
-2100 Parameter issue
-2101 User IP is non-compliant and the country is forcibly banned
-2102 User IP is soft-banned in the country