demo java shell

Change Log (2024-09-14)

Release Note 2024-09-14


Cancel Order (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i /fapi/v2/copyTrading/cancel --data '{
    'contractName': 'E-SAND-USDT', 
    'clientOrderId': "",  
    'orderId': 1690615847831143159, 
    'conditionOrder': true

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "code": "0",
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": {
       "orderId": 1690615847831143159

URL: /fapi/v2/copyTrading/cancel

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Cancel Order (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
clientOrderId string false client Order id(clientOrderId and orderId cannot both be empty)
orderId long false order id(clientOrderId and orderId cannot both be empty)
conditionOrder bool false is conditionOrder


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data
└─orderId long Order ID(system generated)

New Order (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i /fapi/v2/copyTrading/order --data '{
    'contractName': 'E-SAND-USDT', 
    'clientOrderId': 7993967859, 
    'side': 'BUY', 
    'type': 'LIMIT', 
    'positionType': 1, 
    'open': 'OPEN', 
    'volume': 100, 
    'amount': 1, 
    'price': 2, 
    'leverage': 5,
    'triggerOrderType': 0,
    'triggerType': 0,
    'triggerPriceType': 0,
    'triggerPrice': 100.00,
    'conditionOrder': true,
    'positionId': 1,
    'triggerOrderCreateParams': [{
        'clientOrderId': 1,
        'triggerType': 0,
        'triggerPriceType': 0,
        'triggerPrice': 100.00,
        'type': 'LIMIT', 
        'price': 100.00

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "code": "0",
    "msg": "Success",
    "data": {
       "orderId": 1690615676032452985

URL: /fapi/v2/copyTrading/order

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Description: New Order (TRADE)(HMAC SHA256)


Parameter Type Required Description
contractName string true Contract name E.g. E-BTC-USDT
clientOrderId string false Client order identity, a string with length less than 32 bit
side string true trade direction, BUY/SELL
type string true Order type, LIMIT,MARKET,IOC,FOK,POST_ONLY
positionType int true 1 crossed position, 2 isolated position
open string true Open balancing direction, OPEN/CLOSE
volume bigdecimal true Order quantity
amount bigdecimal true Order amount
price bigdecimal true Order price
leverage bigdecimal true target initial leverage: int from 1 to 125
triggerOrderType int false 0:NORMAL 1:LIMIT 2:MARKET 3:POSITION
triggerType int false 1:stop loss 2:take profit
triggerPriceType int false Trigger Price Type 1:Latest Transaction Prices 2:Marked price
triggerPrice bigdecimal false Trigger Price
conditionOrder bool false is conditionOrder
positionId int false positionId
triggerOrderCreateParams array false
└─clientOrderId string false Client order identity, a string with length less than 32 bit
└─triggerType int true 1:stop loss 2:take profit
└─triggerPriceType int true Trigger Price Type 1:Latest Transaction Prices 2:Marked price
└─triggerPrice bigdecimal true Trigger Price
└─type string true Order type, LIMIT,MARKET
└─price bigdecimal true Order price


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data
└─orderId long Order ID(system generated)


Account Information V2 (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/copyTrading/account

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "0",
  "msg": "Success",
  "data": {
    "accountList": [{
      "symbol": "USDT",
      "usdtValuation": "1010.5999",
      "fundsOutStatus": "1",
      "unRealizedAmount": "-0.2294",
      "realizedAmount": "0",
      "futureModel": "copy",
      "fundsInStatus": "1",
      "trialFund": "0",
      "totalMargin": "1010.5999",
      "totalAmount": "1010.5999",
      "canUseAmount": "950.7441",
      "isolateMargin": "0",
      "walletBalance": "946.2179",
      "lockAmount": "0",
      "canTransferAmount": "950.7441",
      "totalMarginRate": "0.8441",
      "btcValuation": "0.01688391",
      "openRealizedAmount": "64.382",
      "marginBalance": "1010.8293"

URL: /fapi/v2/copyTrading/account

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Account Information V2 (USER_DATA)(HMAC SHA256)


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data
└─accountList array Account V2
     └─symbol string symbol name
     └─usdtValuation string usdt Valuation
     └─fundsOutStatus string Fund transfer status 0. Close 1. Open
     └─unrealizedAmount string Unfilled profit and losses
     └─realizedAmount string Profit and losses occurred
     └─futureModel string Account type
     └─fundsInStatus string Fund transfer status 0. Close 1. Open
     └─trialFund string Available experience money
     └─totalMargin string Full position margin
     └─totalAmount string Total amount available
     └─isolateMargin string isolate Margin
     └─walletBalance string Total Balance
     └─lockAmount string Frozen amount
     └─canTransferAmount string Transferable amount
     └─totalMarginRate string Full position margin rate
     └─btcValuation string btc Valuation
     └─openRealizedAmount string Full account position gain or loss
     └─marginBalance string margin Balance

Copy Trading positions (USER_DATA)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/copyTrading/positions

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "0",
  "msg": "Success",
  "data": {
    "copyPositionList": [{
      "id": 12786287,
      "contractId": 1,
      "contractName": "E-BTC-USDT",
      "symbol": "BTC-USDT",
      "positionVolume": 80.0000000000000000,
      "canCloseVolume": 80.0000000000000000,
      "openAvgPrice": 62168.6625000000000000,
      "indexPrice": 56552.8,
      "avgPrice": 56505.5000000000000000,
      "reducePrice": -59214.6521025115962417,
      "holdAmount": 1.8097,
      "marginRate": 0.0024,
      "realizedAmount": 0.0000,
      "returnRate": -1.8066537944257687,
      "orderSide": "BUY",
      "positionType": 1,
      "canUseAmount": 900.8425883185153200,
      "canSubMarginAmount": 0.0000,
      "openRealizedAmount": -44.9269,
      "openRealizedAmountValuation": -44.9269,
      "keepRate": 0.004,
      "maxFeeRate": 0.00085,
      "unRealizedAmount": 0.3784,
      "leverageLevel": 20,
      "positionBalance": 452.4224,
      "tradeFee": "-0.2661",
      "capitalFee": "-1.6605",
      "closeProfit": "0",
      "settleProfit": "-45.3053",
      "shareAmount": "0",
      "historyRealizedAmount": "-47.2318",
      "profitRealizedAmount": "-47.2318",
      "adlPriority": 2,
      "ctime": 1724569352000,
      "futureModel": "copy",
      "copyType": 1,
      "copyPositionStat": {
        "preShareRoyaltyAmount": 0,
        "pnl": -45.9841394644627985,
        "roe": -1.9179549727177029,
        "copyUserCount": 1,
        "volume": 77.0000000000000000,
        "openAvgPrice": 62274.3103896103896104,
        "closeAvgPrice": 0,
        "marginAmount": 1.91804876000000000000032000000000000
      "shareTraderUid": null,
      "email": null,
      "breakEvenPrice": 62168.6711105863125000

URL: /fapi/v2/copyTrading/positions

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Copy Trading positions (USER_DATA)


Parameter Type Required Description


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data
└─copyPositionList array copy positionList V2
 └─id int Position ID
 └─contractId int Contract ID
 └─contractName string Contract Name
 └─symbol string Contract Symbol
 └─positionVolume bigdecimal Position Volume
 └─canCloseVolume bigdecimal Volume Available for Closing
 └─openAvgPrice bigdecimal Average Opening Price
 └─indexPrice bigdecimal Index Price
 └─avgPrice bigdecimal Last Settlement Price
 └─reducePrice bigdecimal Liquidation Price
 └─holdAmount bigdecimal Margin
 └─marginRate bigdecimal Margin Rate
 └─realizedAmount bigdecimal Realized Profit and Loss
 └─returnRate bigdecimal Rate of Return
 └─orderSide string Position Direction: BUY for long, SELL for short
 └─positionType int 1 crossed position, 2 isolated position
 └─canUseAmount bigdecimal Available Amount
 └─canSubMarginAmount bigdecimal Margin Reduction Amount
 └─openRealizedAmount bigdecimal Unrealized Profit and Loss for Open Positions
 └─openRealizedAmountValuation bigdecimal Valuation of Unrealized Profit and Loss for Open Positions
 └─keepRate bigdecimal Minimum Maintenance Margin Rate for Ladder
 └─maxFeeRate bigdecimal Maximum Fee Rate for Closing Position
 └─unRealizedAmount bigdecimal Unrealized Profit and Loss
 └─leverageLevel int Leverage Level
 └─positionBalance bigdecimal Position Value
 └─tradeFee string Trading Fee
 └─capitalFee string Funding Fee
 └─closeProfit string Profit and Loss from Closing Position
 └─settleProfit string Position Settlement
 └─shareAmount string Allocation Amount
 └─historyRealizedAmount string Cumulative Profit and Loss
 └─profitRealizedAmount string Settlement Profit and Loss
 └─adlPriority int
 └─ctime int
 └─futureModel string
 └─copyType int
 └─copyPositionStat object
  └─preShareRoyaltyAmount bigdecimal Accumulated pre-share royalty for copy position
  └─pnl bigdecimal Accumulated profit for copy position
  └─roe bigdecimal Accumulated return on equity (ROE) for copy position
  └─copyUserCount int bigdecimal of users copying the position
  └─volume bigdecimal Total position volume for the copy position
  └─openAvgPrice bigdecimal Average opening price for the copy position
  └─closeAvgPrice bigdecimal Average closing price for the copy position
  └─marginAmount bigdecimal Total initial margin for the copy position
 └─shareTraderUid int
 └─breakEvenPrice bigdecimal Break-even Price

Copy Trading configQuerySymbols (USER_DATA)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/copyTrading/configQuerySymbols

The above command returns JSON structured like this:


URL: /fapi/v2/copyTrading/configQuerySymbols

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Copy Trading configQuerySymbols (USER_DATA)


Parameter Type Required Description


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data
└─contractInfo array copy contractInfo V2
└─contractId int contract Id
└─displaySymbolName string Symbol Name

Copy Trading Status (USER_DATA)

curl -X GET -i /fapi/v2/copyTrading/status

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "code": "0",
  "msg": "Success",
  "data": 1

URL: /fapi/v2/copyTrading/status

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Description: Copy Trading Status (USER_DATA)


Parameter Type Required Description


Field Type Description
code string status code
msg string message content
data object return data