了解有關購買 Quantstamp 的所有資訊
今天 Quantstamp 的價格(24 小時) $0.00330%通過現貨市場購買Quantstamp
除了直接購買Quantstamp (QSP)外,還有哪些取得Quantstamp的替代方法?
Quantstamp的價格在過去7天內上漲0%。過去24小時內0%增加,過去1小時內0%增加。目前價格為每QSP $0.0033。 Quantstamp與其歷史最高價$ 0.1166相比下跌-97.16%。
立即購買 Quantstamp基於該年度的平均Quantstamp價格計算的收益。不是金融建議。
Quantstamp is the first scalable security-audit protocol designed to find vulnerabilities in Ethereum smart contracts. The Quantstamp protocol solves the smart contract security problem by creating a scalable and cost-effective system to audit all smart contracts on the Ethereum network. Over time, Quantstamp expects every Ethereum smart contract to use the Quantstamp protocol to perform security audits, as security is essential. The Quantstamp protocol relies on a distributed network of participants to mitigate the effects of bad actors, creating the required computing power to provide governance. Each participant will use the Quantstamp Protocol Tokens (QSP) to pay for, receive, or improve upon verification services.