了解有關購買 Polymath 的所有資訊
除了直接購買Polymath (POLY)外,還有哪些取得Polymath的替代方法?
Polymath的價格在過去7天內下跌-17.25%。過去24小時內-9.65%下降,過去1小時內-12.99%下降。目前價格為每POLY $0.1915。 Polymath與其歷史最高價$ --相比上漲--%。
The Polymath Network is a blockchain-based system to coordinate and incentivize participants to collaborate and launch financial products on the blockchain. The Polymath team aims to create a standard token protocol which embeds defined requirements into the tokens themselves to ease the primary issuance and secondary trading of blockchain securities tokens.