了解有關購買 Arcblock 的所有資訊
除了直接購買Arcblock (ABT)外,還有哪些取得Arcblock的替代方法?
Arcblock的價格在過去7天內上漲17.07%。過去24小時內20.1%增加,過去1小時內24.39%增加。目前價格為每ABT $1.98。 Arcblock與其歷史最高價$ --相比上漲--%。
ArcBlock is a platform and an ecosystem for building and deploying decentralized blockchain applications. The platform goes beyond providing the necessary foundational components for using blockchain to power complex business rules. It connects your existing system to blockchain networks, enabling you to automate business processes using the data and identities associated with existing systems. ArcBlock¡¯s primary goal is to remove the barriers that have slowed blockchain adoption among the general public. We¡¯re also passionate about developing unique approaches that will significantly advance blockchain development.