如何透過 Bitrue 在 Babylon 上質押 BTC

如何透過 Bitrue 在 Babylon 上質押 BTC

由於您將獲得積分機制,在巴比倫質押 BTC 確實可以帶來利潤。

然而,如果您正在尋找一種更簡單的流程或方式在 Babylon 上質押 BTC,您可以透過 Bitrue 來實現。

以下是有關如何透過 Bitrue 在 Babylon 上質押 BTC 的完整資訊。


1. Bitrue已與Babylon正式達成合作,允許透過Bitrue在Babylon網路上質押BTC,參與的參與者將獲得積分。

2. Bitrue 最高年利率為 2.3%,最低利率為 1.3%。


Bitrue 中的 Babylon BTC 質押活動



Babylon 鏈上質押將於 2024 年 12 月 10 日 11:00 UTC 開始。





Bitrue 提供最高的靈活利率

到目前為止,只有 Bitrue 提供市場上最高的彈性利率,讓您的質押利潤更高。

有趣的是,當您成功邀請新用戶,並且他們完成第一筆存款時,您的基礎年利率 1.3% 將增加至 2.3%。

Babylon 開創了比特幣質押計劃,透過創新協議提供高水準的去中心化安全性。

Visit the official Babylon website for more information about staking Bitcoin on Babylon.

如何透過 Bitrue 在 Babylon 上質押 BTC

Bitrue collaboration with Babylon.jpg

Source: https://x.com/BitrueOfficial

接下來,這是如何透過 Bitrue 在 Babylon 上質押 BTC 的完整說明。

下面透過 Bitrue 在 Babylon 上質押 BTC 的說明同時解釋了適用的質押和解綁規則。

1. 進行鏈上質押

透過 Bitrue 在 Babylon 質押 BTC 要做的第一步就是先進行質押。

為此,您需要將 BTC 資產儲存在您的 Bitrue 帳戶中,如果您在 Bitrue 中還沒有 BTC 資產,請先購買 BTC。


2. 積分分配及分配

在下一個流程中,Babylon 積分將首先在 T+1 天分配,並在 T+2 天分配。此後每日分發。


3. 解綁申請



Read Also: How to Buy Bitcoin (BTC)?

4. Asset Storage

From the time of successful staking until the funds are fully released, the amount of Bitcoin staked will be entered in the menu "My Assets - Spot Assets - Frozen Assets."

5. Concerning the Babylon Point

Currently, the points you have earned have no intrinsic value. 

Later, Babylon points can be converted into real prizes, such as airdrops, by the project team in the future based on your earned points balance.

It should also be noted that points are not tokens, and obviously cannot be transferred or traded.

Read Also: Babylon Towards the Future Bitcoin Staking, Unlocking $1.5 Trillion Potential

6. Point Allocation Policy

Points earned through on-chain Bitcoin staking are distributed proportionally based on the valid amount staked by each user compared to the total staked by all participants. 

Considering that the on-chain staking process is subject to failure, excess returns, as well as commission payments to finality providers, and with the dynamic nature of on-chain staking and unbonding, point distribution is carried out on a daily basis. 

The scheme is based on the actual final allocation of on-chain staking activity.

Users can then check their daily points distribution in "My Holdings - Babylon Points - Points earned yesterday."

7. More Flexible Income

The maximum APR Bitrue offers is 2.3%, and starts at the most basic rate of 1.3%. 

The base rate can be increased through additional earnings, provided that each invitee who successfully completes a deposit will increase the base APR by 1.12x:

- Inviting 1 friend to sign up and make their first deposit increases the APR to 1.46%.

- Inviting 2 friends increases the APR to 1.63%.

- Inviting 3 friends increases the APR to 1.83%.

- Inviting 4 friends increases the APR to 2.05%.

- With 5 or more friends, the APR reaches a maximum of 2.3%.

The invitation remains on file after a user's first staking participation. 

During the campaign, Bitrue reserves the right to stop additional earnings at any time. 

If this occurs, interest will still be paid based on the APR achieved before the cessation of additional income.

8. Flexible points and income termination policy

Once the event ends, neither points nor flexible earnings will no longer be counted. 

Automatic Release Requests will be processed on the closing date of the event, and funds will be fully released and can be withdrawn on the 8th day thereafter (T+8). 

Read Also: Can Bitcoin Give You YIELD on Babylon? A Quick Explanation

The staking campaign is designed to last for 15 months, with an end date tentatively scheduled for March 10, 2026, at 11:00 UTC.

However, the official end date remains up to the project team's decision.

透過 Bitrue 在 Babylon 質押比特幣的好處

benefits of staking BTC in babylon via Bitrue.png

Source: Bitrue

透過 Bitrue 在 Babylon 上質押 BTC 將為您帶來好處和優勢。

以下是透過 Bitrue 在 Babylon 上質押 BTC 時您將獲得的一些好處和優勢:

1. 與Babylon的官方合作






另請閱讀:將 1 BTC 兌換為 美元




4. 輕鬆接取Babylon生態系統

透過 Bitrue 進行質押,用戶可以直接與不斷發展的 Babylon 生態系統連接,從而獲得獎勵積分,從而在未來提供更多機會。

5. 流程簡單透明

Bitrue 提供直覺的使用者介面和易於理解的質押流程,因此所有經驗水平的參與者都可以快速利用所提供的優勢。


需要注意的是,Babylon 的 BTC 質押活動存在一定風險,例如質押失敗、收益超額、質押損失等。


Bitrue 嚴格來說是一個用於鏈上質押目的的中介服務提供者。交易的責任完全在您手中。




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Donot 空投每日組合 3 月 13 日:春日活動
Donot 空投每日組合 3 月 13 日:春日活動

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