Leer alles over het kopen van NEM
Prijs van NEM vandaag (24h)$0.01660%Koop NEM Over-the-Counter (OTC)
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NEM stijgt deze week.
De prijs van NEM is de afgelopen 7 dagen met -10.75% gedaald. Het heeft in de afgelopen 24 uur een 0% toename gezien en in slechts het afgelopen uur een 0% toename. De huidige prijs is $0.0166 per XEM. NEM is gedaald -95.95% gedaald van zijn all-time high van $0.41.
NEM Nu KopenOpbrengsten op basis van de gemiddelde NEM prijs voor dat jaar. Geen financieel advies.
Zie of andere gebruikers XEM kopen:
NEM is the world's first Smart Asset blockchain. Built from the ground up for enterprise-grade performance, NEM's blockchain technology delivers a world class platform for management of almost any kind of asset: currencies, supply chains, notarizations, ownership records and more. NEM¡¯S power is exposed through a straightforward and secure developer interface so that you can deploy your blockchain solution in record time. Whether you are building the next best mobile app or bringing blockchain into your existing business infrastructure, NEM makes blockchain work for you. NEM¡¯s Smart Asset system allows anyone to completely customize how they use the NEM blockchain, with a robust set of features including domain-like namespaces and full on-blockchain Multi-signature control. Any application can access these features through NEM¡¯s simple API allowing easy integration within mobile apps, existing business infrastructure or contract logic. The NEM public blockchain provides an open and self-scaling platform for developers.