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Status está subiendo esta semana.
El precio de Status ha aumentó en un 49.03% en los últimos 7 días. Ha visto un 53.38% aumento en las últimas 24 horas y un 53.9% aumento en solo la última hora. El precio actual es de $0.04709 por SNT. Status está aumentó --% desde su máximo histórico de $--.
Rendimientos basados en el precio promedio de Status para ese año. No es un consejo financiero.
Vea si otros usuarios están comprando SNT:
Status is an open source messaging platform and mobile interface to interact with decentralized applications that run on the Ethereum Network. The messenger form-factor is chosen to make Ethereum feel as familiar as possible to the average smartphone user while providing a flexible platform for DApp developers, aimed to maximise the amount of daily use of Ethereum¡¯s public blockchain. The Status Network token is a modular utility token that fuels the Status network. This includes a Decentralized Push Notification Market, Governance of the Status client, Community Curation of content, along with social communication tools such as Tribute to Talk. We also propose a fiat-to-crypto 'Teller Network', DApp Directory, Sticker Market, and demonstrate our research on a User Acquisition Engine to grow the Network.