Erfahren Sie alles über den Kauf von Ethereum Classic
Preis von Ethereum Classic heute (24 Stunden)$26.99-4.62%Ethereum Classic über Spot-Märkte kaufen
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Ethereum Classic fällt diese Woche.
Der Preis von Ethereum Classic ist in den letzten 7 Tagen um 16.58 % gestiegen. In den letzten 24 Stunden hat er um -4.62 % Abnahme gesehen, und in nur der letzten Stunde um 4.53 % Zunahme. Der aktuelle Preis beträgt $ 26.99 pro ETC. Ethereum Classic ist um -79.71 % gefallen von seinem Allzeithoch von $ 133.08 gefallen.
Jetzt kaufen Ethereum ClassicRenditen basierend auf dem durchschnittlichen Ethereum Classic-Preis für dieses Jahr. Keine finanzielle Beratung.
Sehen Sie, ob andere Benutzer ETC kaufen:
Ethereum Classic is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract (scripting) functionality. It provides a decentralized Turing-complete virtual machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which can execute scripts using an international network of public nodes. Ethereum Classic also provides a value token called "classic ether", which can be transferred between participants, stored in a cryptocurrency wallet and is used to compensate participant nodes for computations performed. The classic ether token is traded on cryptocurrency exchanges under the ticker symbol ETC. Gas, an internal transaction pricing mechanism, is used to prevent spam on the network and allocate resources proportionally to the incentive offered by the request. The Ethereum platform has been forked into two versions: "Ethereum Classic" (ETC) and "Ethereum" (ETH). Prior to the fork, the token had been called Ethereum. After the fork, the new tokens kept the name Ethereum (ETH), and the old tokens were renamed Ethereum Classic (ETC). Ethereum Classic appeared as a result of a disagreement with the Ethereum Foundation regarding The DAO Hard Fork. It united members of the Ethereum community who rejected the hard fork on philosophical grounds. Users that owned ETH before the DAO hard fork (block 1920000) own an equal amount of ETC after the fork. Ethereum Classic passed a technical hard fork to adjust the internal prices for various opcodes of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) on October 25, 2016, similar to the hard fork committed by Ethereum a week previously. The purpose of the hard fork was a more rational distribution of payments for resource-intensive calculations, which led to the elimination of the favorable conditions for attacks that were previously conducted on ETH and ETC. A hard fork held at the beginning of 2017 successfully delayed the "bomb complexity" that was added to the Ethereum code in September 2015 with a view of exponentially increasing the complexity of mining and the process of calculation of new network units. In late 2017, a hard fork occurred which changed the monetary policy with unlimited emissions to a system similar to Bitcoin.