The Crucial Need for Decentralized Sequencers in Layer-2 Rollups

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The blockchain space has seen remarkable advancements, particularly with Ethereum's layer-2 solutions (L2s) gaining traction. However, the recent surge in their adoption brings to light the critical issue of centralized sequencers, posing significant security risks and undermining the core ethos of decentralization.

Key Takeaway:

  1. Urgency of Decentralizing Sequencers: Centralized sequencers pose security risks and undermine decentralization. Immediate action is needed to prioritize decentralized sequencers.
  2. Learning from Linea's Exploit: The $2.6 million Linea exploit exposed the vulnerabilities of centralized sequencers, highlighting the need for proactive decentralization to protect users.
  3. Balancing Latency and Decentralization: Decentralized sequencers may slightly increase latency, but users prefer the enhanced security and community involvement they offer. Long-term innovation is key.

The Rise of Layer-2 Solutions

In June 2024, more than 50% of all Ethereum-based transactions occurred on L2s, marking a significant milestone. This shift was largely driven by the rollup-centric Dencun (EIP-4844) upgrade, which played a pivotal role in enhancing the capabilities of Ethereum L2s. The total value locked (TVL) in the L2 ecosystem soared to an all-time high of $48.2 billion, with rollups accounting for over 90% of this TVL.

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The Impact of EIP-4844

The Dencun upgrade introduced significant improvements in data availability, which allowed rollups to process transactions more efficiently. This upgrade was essential in catalyzing the growth of L2s by making a broader range of data accessible, thereby enhancing the overall scalability of the Ethereum network. However, while Dencun addresses data availability issues, it does not solve the inherent centralization problems associated with rollups.

The Centralization Problem

Despite these advancements, the centralization of sequencers in rollups remains a pressing concern. Centralized sequencers, while offering higher throughput and performance, pose severe security risks. They negate the decentralization ethos of blockchain, exposing users to potential censorship and single points of failure. This centralization compromises the network's liveness, allowing a single entity to potentially extract the network's accumulated value.

Security Risks and Censorship

Centralized sequencers can censor transactions, preventing them from being included in the blockchain. This censorship undermines the fundamental principle of blockchain technology, which is to provide an open and permissionless network. Additionally, centralized sequencers create a single point of failure, making the network vulnerable to attacks and exploits.

Lessons from Linea's Exploit

The vulnerabilities of centralized sequencers were starkly highlighted by a $2.6 million exploit on Linea, a zkEVM rollup. In response to the exploit, the Linea team paused the sequencer and censored attacker addresses, a decision that sparked significant debate. This incident underscored the urgent need for decentralized sequencers. As Matter Labs CEO Alex Gluchowski emphasized, "Decentralizing the sequencer isn’t optional. Every serious L2 stack must race to do it first."

The Incident and Its Implications

The Linea exploit involved a third-party attack on a decentralized exchange, leading to significant financial losses for users. The decision to pause the sequencer and censor addresses was seen as a temporary measure to protect the ecosystem. However, this response highlighted the limitations and risks associated with centralized sequencers. It also revealed a lack of preparedness and a reactive approach to security issues.

The Danger of Complacency

The Linea team's reaction to the exploit revealed a concerning complacency. Their justification, comparing themselves to older rollup frameworks, highlights a dangerous mindset that hinders progress. This attitude prolongs the risk window for users, investors, and builders. The industry cannot afford to delay decentralization any longer.

Industry Comparisons

Comparing progress with other rollup frameworks that are also behind in decentralization is not a valid excuse. This mindset slows down the overall advancement of the industry and keeps users at risk. Instead, every project must strive to set higher standards and lead by example in implementing decentralized solutions.

Moving Beyond “Training Wheels"

Layer-2 solutions are often considered to be in their "training wheel phase," requiring special safeguards. However, the ability to implement basic decentralized sequencers and community incentivization frameworks is now within reach. The challenge is no longer about technical capability but rather about intent and priorities.

Technological Readiness

The technological advancements in blockchain have made it possible to implement decentralized sequencers and incentivization frameworks. These solutions can enhance security, reduce central points of failure, and align the interests of all stakeholders. The focus now needs to shift from whether it can be done to making it a priority.

The Path to Decentralization

Decentralization is challenging and requires innovative efforts, but the benefits far outweigh the difficulties. Direct participation in network security and governance fosters deeper community involvement, offering users novel revenue streams like sequencer mining. This self-reinforcing model reduces security costs for organizations and project owners while increasing community participation, leading to better security and more dApps entering the space.

Community Involvement and Incentives

Decentralized sequencers allow for greater community participation in network security and governance. Users can engage in sequencer mining, which provides them with additional revenue streams. This participation not only enhances security but also strengthens the community's involvement and commitment to the network's success.

Overcoming Latency Concerns

A common argument against sequencer decentralization is the potential increase in latency, which could impact user experience. However, evidence suggests that users are willing to accept slight increases in latency if proper incentives and rewards are provided. Decentralizing sequencers aligns the goals of short-term investors and long-term contributors, creating a sustainable and secure ecosystem.

Balancing Speed and Security

While centralized sequencers offer faster transaction processing, the trade-off in security and decentralization is significant. By implementing decentralized sequencers, the industry can strike a balance between transaction speed and maintaining the core principles of blockchain technology. Users have shown a willingness to accept minor latency increases when the benefits of security and participation are clear.

Embracing Progressive Norms

The blockchain industry must move away from short-term gains and focus on sustainable, long-term innovation. Excuses and half-baked promises of decentralization will no longer suffice. Users now have real alternatives and will vote with their tokens. Those who embrace decentralization early will reap the benefits, but the strength of the ecosystem lies in holistic growth.

The Importance of Long-Term Vision

Short-term gains often come at the cost of long-term sustainability. The industry needs to prioritize innovations that ensure the security and decentralization of blockchain networks. This long-term vision will foster trust and stability, encouraging more users and developers to participate in the ecosystem.


The path to a decentralized future requires immediate and decisive action. Layer-2 rollups must prioritize decentralizing sequencers to mitigate security risks and uphold the principles of blockchain technology. By fostering community participation and aligning incentives, the industry can achieve a secure, scalable, and decentralized ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders. The time for excuses is over; the future of blockchain depends on our commitment to true decentralization.

Latest Layer-2 News


Q1: What are sequencers in layer-2 rollups?

A1: Sequencers order and process transactions in layer-2 solutions. Centralized sequencers are faster but pose security risks.

Q2: Why is decentralizing sequencers important?

A2: Decentralizing sequencers enhances security, prevents censorship, and aligns with blockchain principles, ensuring no single point of failure.

Q3: How did the Linea exploit highlight the need for decentralized sequencers?

A3: The $2.6 million Linea exploit showed the risks of centralized sequencers, emphasizing the need for proactive decentralization to protect users and ensure network stability.


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Disclaimer: The content of this article does not constitute financial or investment advice.

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