Ronin (RON) Price Prediction 2024-2029
As of September 25, 2024, the current price of Ronin (RON) is approximately $1.7985 USD. Our prediction indicates a potential -2.76% decrease, possibly dropping to $1.7917 by September 26, 2024. The overall market sentiment is currently Neutral Bearish (39%), with a Fear & Greed Index score of 54 (Neutral).
RON Price Change (7d): 2.97%
Current Price Update: As of September 25, 2024, the current price of Ronin (RON) is approximately $1.80 USD.
Market Sentiment: The market sentiment for RON is currently Neutral Bearish at 39%, with a Fear & Greed Index score of 54 (Neutral). Over the past 30 days, Ronin has experienced 17 out of 30 days (57%) as green days, showing a price volatility of 5.74%.
Short-term Price Forecast
- September 25, 2024: $1.81 (+0.57%)
- September 26, 2024: $1.79 (-0.38%)
- September 27, 2024: $1.75 (-2.76%)
- September 28, 2024: $1.68 (-6.6%)
- September 29, 2024: $1.64 (-8.98%)
- September 30, 2024: $1.61 (-10.34%)
Long-term Price Predictions for 2024
- October: Expected price range of $1.50 to $1.66, with an average of $1.58.
- November: Anticipated price between $1.51 and $1.66, averaging around $1.59.
- December: Forecasted maximum of $1.94, with a minimum of $1.60, averaging $1.77.
Price Predictions for 2025
In 2025, the minimum price for Ronin is expected to be around $1.60, with a maximum of approximately $2.93. The average trading price may reach around $4.25.
Future Predictions
- By 2026, the expected minimum and maximum prices are projected to be around $5.76 and $6.89, respectively, with an average of $5.92.
- In 2027, predictions suggest a minimum price of $8.64 and a maximum of $10.11, averaging about $8.94.
- By 2028, the price could range from $12.42 to $14.79, averaging $12.86.
- For 2029, the average estimated price is around $18.69, with a minimum of $18.05 and a potential maximum of $21.64.
Overall, while short-term predictions suggest a declining trend, the long-term outlook for Ronin appears to be more promising, with potential for significant growth in the coming years.
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