Investor Caution: 3 Cryptocurrencies to Avoid During $130M Token Unlocks


Three cryptocurrencies will unlock more than $130 million in tokens this week, posing risks for traders who may want to limit their exposure. These token unlocks could drown the market, potentially triggering increased selling and significant price volatility. Data from the reveals a total of $197.02 million scheduled for seven-day cliff unlocks. Notably, the leading protocols will release $135.97 million, comprising 69% of the total. Additionally, Ripple is scheduled to unlock 1 billion XRP on July 1, valued at $470 million, as part of its monthly routine.


Source: Token Unlocks

Key Takeaways

  • Market Risks from Token Unlocks: This week, the unlock of tokens by Optimism (OP), Sui Network (SUI), and (IO) poses significant risks for traders. Increased selling pressure and potential price fluctuations are expected due to these large-scale releases.

  • Supply Dynamics and Volatility: Optimism (OP), Sui Network (SUI), and (IO) will see substantial increases in their circulating supplies, potentially disrupting market stability. Traders should anticipate heightened volatility as a result of these token unlocks.

  • Importance of Risk Management: Effective risk management strategies are crucial for traders navigating the uncertainties associated with these token unlocks. Careful consideration and planning are recommended to mitigate potential losses and manage trading risks effectively.

Optimism (OP)

Investors should avoid trading Optimism (OP), Ethereum’s popular second layer, as it faces an upcoming token unlock. Scheduled for June 30, this release will see 31.34 million OP tokens valued at $55.16 million. Optimism’s monthly unlock adds nearly 3% to its supply, with core protocol contributors receiving 16.54 million OP ($29.11 million) and private investors getting $26.05 million. Last month, these amounts were $42.35 million and $37.89 million, respectively.


Read more: How to Buy: Optimism (OP)

Sui Network (SUI)

Similarly, Sui Network (SUI) should also be avoided due to its recurrent monthly token unlocks, inflating supply by 2.7% this month. On July 1, 64.20 million SUI tokens will be unlocked, with private investors receiving 39.16 million SUI ($54.63 million), representing over 60% of the total. Last month, these tokens were valued at $70 million, highlighting the impact of inflation on purchasing power.


Read more: How to Buy: Sui Network (SUI) (IO)

Lastly, (IO) will release 7.5 million tokens valued at $27.23 million into circulation, leading to an inflationary increase of nearly 8% in its total supply.


Traders are cautioned against speculating on the economic impacts of these unlocks, which could heighten market volatility and affect risk-reward ratios. Effective risk management is crucial in navigating the uncertainties posed by these events.


Read more: How to Buy: (IO)


The upcoming token unlocks of Optimism (OP), Sui Network (SUI), and (IO) this week, totaling over $130 million, pose significant risks for cryptocurrency traders. These releases have the potential to flood the market, increasing selling pressure and causing notable price fluctuations. Optimism’s unlock alone, scheduled for June 30, will introduce 31.34 million OP tokens valued at $55.16 million, contributing nearly 3% to its supply. Similarly, Sui Network will inflate its supply by 2.7% with the release of 64.20 million SUI tokens on July 1, primarily benefiting private investors. Meanwhile,’s release of 7.5 million tokens worth $27.23 million will add nearly 8% to its circulating supply.


These token unlocks underscore the importance of cautious trading practices, as they can intensify market volatility and impact the risk-reward balance for investors. Traders should exercise cautious risk management strategies to navigate these uncertainties effectively.


What are token unlocks in cryptocurrencies?

Token unlocks refer to scheduled releases of cryptocurrency tokens into circulation, often planned monthly or according to specific timelines. These events can impact market dynamics, influencing prices and trading conditions.

Why do token unlocks pose risks for traders?

Token unlocks, such as those by Optimism (OP), Sui Network (SUI), and (IO), introduce significant amounts of tokens into the market, potentially increasing selling pressure and causing price volatility. Traders should be cautious of these events due to their potential impact on investment values.

How can traders manage risks associated with token unlocks?

Effective risk management strategies are crucial for traders facing token unlocks. This includes diversifying investments, setting stop-loss orders, and staying informed about upcoming token releases to make informed trading decisions and mitigate potential losses.

Disclaimer: The content of this article does not constitute financial or investment advice.

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