了解有關購買 dash 的所有資訊
今天 dash 的價格(24 小時) $22.26通過現貨市場購買dash
除了直接購買dash (DASH)外,還有哪些取得dash的替代方法?
dash的價格在過去7天內下跌-7.32%。過去24小時內1.82%增加,過去1小時內0%增加。目前價格為每DASH $22.26。 dash與其歷史最高價$ 421.67相比下跌-94.72%。
立即購買 dash基於該年度的平均dash價格計算的收益。不是金融建議。
Dash is an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency with a strong focus on the payments industry. Dash offers a form of money that is anonymous, portable, inexpensive and fast. It can be spent securely both online and in person with only minimal transaction fees. Based on the Bitcoin project, Dash aims to be the most user-friendly and scalable payments system in the world. In addition to Bitcoin's feature set, Dash currently also includes a second-layer network of masternodes to facilitate instant transactions (InstantSend), private transactions (PrivateSend) and governance functions to create a self-governing and self-funding network capable of paying individuals and businesses for work that adds value to Dash. This decentralized governance and budgeting system makes it one of the first ever successful decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO).