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Preço de Zilliqa Hoje (24h)$0.01495Comprar Zilliqa Over-the-Counter (OTC)
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Zilliqa está subindo esta semana.
O preço do Zilliqa aumentou em 0.6% nos últimos 7 dias. Ele teve um 4.83% aumento nas últimas 24 horas e um 0% aumento nas últimas 1 hora. O preço atual é de $0.01495 por ZIL. Zilliqa está caiu -93.89% de seu recorde de todos os tempos de $0.2449.
Comprar Zilliqa AgoraRetornos com base no preço médio Zilliqa para aquele ano. Não é aconselhamento financeiro.
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Zilliqa is a new public blockchain platform for high-throughput applications. It brings the theory of sharding to practice with its novel protocol that increases transaction rates as its network expands. The latest experimental results demonstrate a throughput of more than 2,800 transactions per second, which is over 200 times higher than that of today's popular blockchains. In addition to its scalability, Zilliqa provides a secure and efficient smart contract language called Scilla to enable security-by-design smart contract programming and verification. The Zilliqa blockchain platform is tailored towards enabling high-throughput data-driven decentralized apps, designed to meet the scaling requirements of applications in areas such as digital marketing, payment, shared economy and rights management. Zilliqa is backed by a team of tech entrepreneurs, academics, senior engineers, venture capitalists, and more. The underlying technology has been first incubated in a research lab at the National University of Singapore, and then developed for commercial trials, before being applied to Zilliqa¡¯s public blockchain platform. - Roadmap: + Q1, 2018: Testnet v1.0 + Q2, 2018: Testnet v2.0 + Q4, 2018: Testnet v3.0 + Q1, 2019: Mainnet launch