Loom 구매에 대한 모든 것을 배우세요
오늘(24시간) Loom의 가격$0.037620%스팟 시장에서 Loom 구매
Loom을(를) 직접 구매하는 것 외에도, Loom을(를) 얻는 대체 방법은 무엇입니까?
Loom이(가) 이번 주 상승했습니다.
Loom의 가격은 지난 7일간 0% 상승했습니다. 지난 24시간 동안 0% 상승하였으며, 지난 1시간 동안 0% 상승했습니다. 현재 가격은 $0.03762입니다. Loom은 역대 최고가 $0.3876에서 하락 -90.29% 하락했습니다.
Loom 지금 구매해당 연도의 평균 Loom 가격을 기준으로 수익률이 계산됩니다. 금융 상담이 아님을 유념하십시오.
다른 사용자가 LOOM을(를) 구매하고 있는지 확인해 보세요:
Loom Network (¡°Loom¡± or the ¡°Project¡±) is a Layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum that is a network of Delegated Proof of Stake (¡°DPoS¡±) sidechains, allowing for highly-scalable games and user-facing dApps while still being backed by the security of Ethereum. Key Features of Loom: Loom SDK: The fundamental building block of Loom Network is an SDK that allows developers to quickly build their own blockchains without having to understand blockchain infrastructure ¡ª a "build your own blockchain" generator. Shared Sidechains: A network of interconnected, high-throughput sidechains, such as GameChain and SocialChain, that use Ethereum as their base-layer. PlasmaChain: A Layer-2 hub that bridges multiple sidechains to Ethereum, allowing for faster and cheaper token transactions and a more performant chain for developers to deploy their dApps. Delegated Proof of Stake: Loom supports DPoS out of the box, which enables dApps to scale with gasless transactions and sub-second transaction times. Online games and social apps are the two initial types of dApps that Loom is focusing on, but developers can build any type of dApp using the Loom SDK. Secured by Plasma on Ethereum: Loom inherits the security of Ethereum mainnet on its Layer-2 sidechains by using Plasma Cash-based relays to transfer assets across chains.