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Precio de NKN hoy (24h)$0.0626Comprar NKN a través de los mercados spot
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NKN está subiendo esta semana.
El precio de NKN ha cayó en un -5% en los últimos 7 días. Ha visto un 5.92% aumento en las últimas 24 horas y un 0.48% aumento en solo la última hora. El precio actual es de $0.0626 por NKN. NKN está cayó -85.27% desde su máximo histórico de $0.4252.
Comprar NKN AhoraRendimientos basados en el precio promedio de NKN para ese año. No es un consejo financiero.
Vea si otros usuarios están comprando NKN:
NKN is the new kind of network connectivity protocol & ecosystem powered by blockchain for an open, decentralized, and shared Internet. We motivate users to share network connections, service providers to utilize unused bandwidth, and developers access to global peer to peer networking stack. NKN¡¯s goal is to revamp the trillion dollars communication business, where we face many challenges today such as inefficient resource utilization, lack of net neutrality, and centralized network control. By blockchainizing the network layer, NKN is providing the missing third pillar of internet infrastructure just as Ethereum has done for compute and ipfs for storage. Our core technical innovations are dynamic routing, Proof of Relay, highly scalable consensus, and token reward mechanism.