تعرّف على كل شيء حول شراء Holo
سعر Holo اليوم (24 ساعة)$0.001019شراء Holo عبر أسواق الفورية
بخلاف شراء Holo (HOT) مباشرة، ما هي الطرق البديلة لاقتناء Holo ؟
Holo في انخفاض هذا الأسبوع.
قد تغير سعر Holo بنسبة -12٪ خلال الـ 7 أيام الماضية. شهد ارتفاعًا بنسبة 0.58٪ في الساعات الـ 24 الماضية وانخفاضًا بنسبة 0.29٪ خلال الساعة الأخيرة فقط. السعر الحالي هو $0.001019 لكل HOT. Holo يعتبر انخفض -96.72٪ من أعلى سعر له على الإطلاق والبالغ $0.03112.
اشترِ Holo الآنالعائدات استنادًا إلى متوسط سعر Holo لتلك السنة. ليس مشورة مالية.
انظر إذا كان مستخدمون آخرون يشترون HOT:
Holo is a pragmatic compromise — a bridge for people to transition toward greater and greater decentralization and autonomy. But since Holo must interface with the centralized systems of today, some parts of it are also centralized. So this is not a typical crypto project or paper. We've already built a fully distributed platform in Holochain. Now we want to take it to the mainstream. Holo is the bridge to get there. This paper sets out multiple interdependent innovations that work together to enable a large shift in the landscape of crypto applications and currencies. After a brief overview to provide context for these innovations, we explain each: Technological Innovations: Scalable P2P applications on Holochain, Technological Innovations: Hosting P2P apps for mainstream users, Currency Innovation: Double-Entry Crypto-Accounting system for rewarding Hosts, Business Model Innovation: Leveraging excess capacity using Sharing Economy principles, Funding Innovation: Bonding ICO with Crowdfunding to demonstrate real demand and establish stakeholders in an ecosystem backed with real world assets. These innovations weave together to form a coherent approach. In order to have a self-regulating ecosystem hosting distributed applications, we need an accounting method that improves efficiency as it scales so we can reward hosts in the sharing economy of the ecosystem which is created by inviting all stakeholders to participate in the system through our ICO (Initial Community Offering) which provides the right to purchase hosting services. The Holo ecosystem relies on hosts that provide processing and storage for distributed applications while earning redeemable credits.